When this check box is selected, only the current startup project and its dependencies are built when you perform either of the following steps: Select the Only build startup projects and dependencies on Run check box. The Build and Run > Projects and Solutions > Options dialog box opens. In the Options dialog box, expand the Projects and Solutions node, and then choose the Build and Run page.
To build only the startup project and its dependencies On the menu bar, choose Build, and then choose either Build ProjectName or Rebuild ProjectName.Ĭhoose Build ProjectName to build only those project components that have changed since the most recent build.Ĭhoose Rebuild ProjectName to 'clean' the project and then build the project files and all project components. In Solution Explorer, choose or open the project. With only the project and component files left, new instances of the intermediate and output files can then be built.
The Build command becomes Build Solution when a solution includes more than one project.Ĭhoose Rebuild Solution to 'clean' the solution and then build all project files and components.Ĭhoose Clean Solution to delete any intermediate and output files.